For Assemblyman Steve Fox's full history of scandal visit:
Do you know what Steve Fox has been doing in Sacramento? Here's just a few of his votes (or refusals to vote.
Assemblyman Steve Fox has broken just about every promise he made to voters. He vowed to protect taxpayers and oppose tax increases. He's not only voted for tax increases and massive spending increases, but he's voted numerous times to undermine Proposition 13 and change the rules to make tax hikes easier. He said he'd be a social moderate, but he's joined with the left-wing fringes of the Democrat party to push a radical social agenda.
We hold our elected officials to a high standard, and every vote they take on our behalf as elected representatives deserves an explanation, especially when their votes in the Capitol contradict what they've told us in our community. In many cases, these votes are contrary to what candidate Fox promised. In many other cases, he's been derelict in his duties as our representative, refusing to vote on bills of grave importance.
Below is a list of just some of those bills:
Voted YES on AB 8, a 2.3 BILLION dollar tax hike extension on California drivers.
Voted YES on AB 2x for ObamaCare regulations increasing the cost of health insurance by 65-120% - even admitting that it would raise rates for working families stating on the Assembly Floor, “Don’t worry about the costs.”
Voted YES on AB 1377 to give state bureaucrats union a 4.5% raise while private sector jobs are struggling and leaving the state
Voted YES on SB 71 and AB 76 to hide government records from the public by gutting the public records act.
Voted YES on AB1x and AB 191 to Expand Medi-Cal spending and Welfare even further in California
Voted YES on AB 641 to increase costs on working families by eliminating the existing low income child care program and force unionization of child care workers.
Voted to oppose amendments to AJR 14 on sequestration that asked the federal government to eliminate wasteful spending and instead VOTED YES on the resolution calling for MORE federal taxes.
Voted YES on AB 1188 and ACA 8 to undermine Proposition 13 protections to eliminate the 2/3 vote threshold and allow property tax increases at a rate greater than the 1% guaranteed by Prop 13.
Voted YES on AB 282 to increase gas taxes by extending temporary taxes on underground storage of fuel.
Voted YES on AB 1358 making it easier to increase student fees on college campuses.
Voted NO on AB 621, thus protect corruption by allowing local governments to continue entering contracts for bond expenditures with organizations that funded the related campaign. (AB 621)
Voted YES on AB 711 banning affordable ammunition for hunting sponsored by radical animal rights groups
Voted YES on AB 663 to increase the cost of nursing home care by requiring costly, unneeded training to workers on sexual orientation sensitivity.
Voted YES on AB 496 to require political correctness training and intrusion of on physicians personal moral beliefs on sexual orientation into every local medical association in the state.
Voted YES on AB 667 to interfere with local government’s ability to approve non-union retailers.
Voted YES on AB 263 to increase penalties on employers who try to comply with laws regarding illegal immigration.
Voted YES on AB 1290 to cut transportation infrastructure, hurting Antelope Valley commuters and joining environmental radicals.
Voted YES on Bobcat Protection Bill, AB 1213, putting animal rights extremism ahead of public safety and vicious animals.
Then there are the bills he refused to take a position on (or in one case, tried to take BOTH positions on!)
REFUSED TO VOTE AGAINST bill allowing boys to decide they want to go in the girls bathrooms in our schools on a daily basis under the guise of transgender equality. (AB 1266)
REFUSED TO VOTE AGAINST soft on crime bill increasing furloughs for county jail inmates. (AB 752)
REFUSED TO VOTE AGAINST soft on crime bill expanding public safety credits for inmates (AB 624)
FLIP-FLOPPED (Changed vote from Yes to No after the fact) on legislation making it more difficult to prosecute drug traffickers. (AB 721)
REFUSED TO VOTE AGAINST bill allowing illegal aliens to serve on juries. (AB 1401)
REFUSED TO VOTE AGAINST radical social legislation to allow boys to play on girl sports teams.
REFUSED TO VOTE AGAINST bill reducing the safety requirements on abortion clinics in order to build them faster. (AB 980)
REFUSED TO VOTE AGAINST bill allowing nurses, midwives and physicians assistants to perform abortions, (current law allows only doctors to perform this surgery.) (AB 154)
REFUSED TO VOTE AGAINST increasing spending on providing condoms to prison inmates.
REFUSED TO VOTE AGAINST bill stopping local law enforcement from working productively with federal immigration officials.
REFUSED TO VOTE AGAINST job killing bill to increase minimum wage (AB 10)
REFUSED TO VOTE AGAINST job killing bill to increase union back labor regulations (AB 241)